OpenVPN Server on Debian


OpenVPN Server on Debian


Deploy OpenVPN Server Easily

OpenVPN is the most popular way to create a VPN server but it is not easy to install, so we have created a VM image that comes with a ".sh" file which will configure the VPN Server and it will run every time you log on.

Important notes:

  • If you see a broken package once you log in then that's means the Installation is currepted and you'll need to redeploy the virtual machine
  • the Location of the VPN is the same as the Location of the VM.
  • This VM image has the following ports opened by default [1194, 1195 for both of 'UDP and TCP' protocols]
  • It is better to create the VM with a “static” public ip.
  • We have made a very simple VM image that will start the VPN server configuration. ones you are logged in
  • You can go with the defaults but it is best to set the DNS Server to to google.
  • If you go with default settings the VPN data will be saved in the /root/client.ovpn , so just type “sudo cat /root/client.ovpn” and copy everything to your PC.

If you need any help contact us at


the respective trademark "openvpn inc." does not belong to us

LICENSE: this OpenVPN server Installer was not initially designed by us, it was designed by Nyr and licensed under MIT license