Xpreshon SaaS for Unearth AI

Wild Mouse

Xpreshon SaaS for Unearth AI

Wild Mouse

Xpreshon is an AI-powered app platform to allow connection with your customers.


Xpreshon is an optional consumer-facing extension to Unearth AI, powered by its AI capabilities. It delivers content to users to build engagement and provides a set of tools to cement that engagement and a platform to deliver unique capabilities powered by Unearth AI.

Firstly, there is the white-labelled app platform. This includes apps on phones, tablets, computers, the web and other devices. These deliver secure operation, compelling user experiences, and branding and can host custom functionality.

Unearth AI ingests, understands and creates links between audio, video, articles, images, events, products, and other forms of content. Xpreshon streams this content into its cross-platform apps, allowing users to follow links, get recommendations and view feeds curated by AI.

Monetization is seamlessly integrated within the app, from advertising to memberships to supporting sponsorships, to a subscription engine and even eCommerce, all integrated into the experience and linked to content, providing a secure and confident business model.

Two common factors tie the story together for our customers:

1. Wild Mouse’s clarity in our role. Our customers own and have control over their content and can even have ownership of unique functionality.

2. Unearth AI's powerful AI capabilities quietly power the core functionality and surface through Xpreshon, providing a platform for the development of unique and engaging experiences.

Suitable Customers

Xpreshon is suitable for all organizations that wish to own their own experience for connecting with their users, customers, fans, athletes, members, etc.

Why Use Xpreshon?

The common path for anyone that either wishes to monetize their content directly, or wishes to combine that content with physical products is to use a variety of social platforms to connect with customers and monetize. This approach puts all the power, and sometimes even rights over your content, in the hands of those platforms. You also become simply one of many, to the point where you competitor might will be the video that your potential customer sees after yours.
Xpreshon provides a compelling alternative approach: your own branded app across platforms, with your own branding, look & feel and content. You can host everything you produce there, link to and from social platforms, and even host your own eCommerce experience right in the platform. Your customs can watch your videos, listen to your music, read your articles and interact with each other to discuss them, all within your own experience. You can sell product, or generate revenue from your content directly. In doing so, you maintain ownership of your content.
Moreover, Xpreshon allows you to provide the safe space that your fans or customers deserve, with content moderation and AI-powered analysis of all comments, content and interactions.
For sports organizations Xpreshon provides a platform for both fans and athletes, and fans that are working to become athletes. Our AI coaching engine is world-leading, allowing everyone from kids to professionals to benefit, and providing unique engagement approaches.