WithYouWithMe Potential: A skills-based approach, organisation-wide


WithYouWithMe Potential: A skills-based approach, organisation-wide


An end-to-end skills-based talent management platform for talent development and mobility.

Potential is an employee activation platform that identifies, grows and mobilises an individual’s skills to align with an organisation’s needs. Drawing on a proprietary assessment algorithm, Potential creates a holistic profile of an individual’s current capabilities and the skills they’re likely to excel at, to identify relevant upskilling opportunities or job matches.

It’s a platform that enables organisations to effectively bridge skills gaps and motivate employees to grow in the direction their organisation needs.

For organisations, this creates a perpetually ‘ready’ workforce, a culture of curated, continuous learning and on-demand access to the breadth of skills their people need now and into the future.

For individuals, it means access to actionable psychometric and cognitive insights to understand the skills they have, identify the skills they need and close the gap with targeted training.

By aligning individual career aspirations with organisational needs, Potential puts employers and employees on a mutual path to success.