Wipro Cognitive Energy Intelligence Platform

Wipro Ltd

Wipro Cognitive Energy Intelligence Platform

Wipro Ltd

A Solution to enable value added digital services for consumers to monetize energy & sustainability

Background and Problem Statement:
A new energy ecosystem is developing empowering consumers to take charge of their own energy usage to reduce cost, participate in market events and support the greater goal of reducing emissions. This ecosystem is evolving behind the meter powered by distributed solar, battery storage and other smart equipment, enabled by new market models and targeted towards empowered customers through innovative digital services.

This change towards decentralization, decarbonization and digitalization is challenging the existing utility business model and creating the next generation energy market that’s centered around empowered customers and delivered by non-utility entities. These solutions are also aggregated and correlated to develop community and city level services, fast tracking sustainability goals. Utilities need to move quickly to claim their space and develop new revenue channel through this new market space.

While the current state offers a number of services and solutions targeted towards this space, these are equipment centric and purpose built, creating a non-integrated, siloed experience for consumers and misses out on the broader business opportunities that cross leverage across various segments and provide holistic value for the consumer and utility. An integrated energy platform is the need of the hour.

About Wipro Cognitive Energy Intelligence (CEI):
Wipro Cognitive Energy Intelligence (CEI), built on the Microsoft Cloud, is an energy platform for utilities that unifies data from many “behind-the-meter” products. This platform gives customers a holistic view of energy consumption, and utility companies a valuable tool (and source of revenue) that empowers customers to improve efficiency and reduce energy costs.

CEI unifies data from customers’ behind-the-meter sources through a gateway device that transmits real-time IoT data and energy production and usage onto the energy platform on Microsoft cloud to optimize consumption. CEI can operate independently and remotely to provide the most efficient combination of energy sources for both the utility company and the customers. Using Cognitive Energy Intelligence, your organization can:

  • Leverage AI and machine learning to intelligently decide when to generate, store, consume, and monetize energy for end consumers
  • Offer customer-centric data-driven services like energy management, optimization, advisory and direct control over energy equipment
  • Allow consumers to be aggregated and participate in demand management, virtual power plants, and similar services
  • Can enable community level services like peer to peer trading and carbon reduction
  • Provide 24/7 monitoring and alerts via cloud-based device management

Next Steps:

Wipro CEI platform is readily available on Microsoft Azure that leverages the core PaaS services to make the solution robust, reliable, secure and scalable. The solution can be offered using multiple operating and commercial model. Wipro, partnering with Microsoft can provide the end to end services including customer specific hosting, data integration, configuration and operations support.

To know more, please connect with us!