VRTY - Education through Virtual Reality


VRTY - Education through Virtual Reality


VRTY - Education through VR is finally a reality

There’s so much talk about virtual reality & interactive 360 content as powerful tools for educators, however getting started can be daunting with lots to learn, do and buy; and sometimes the content available or created is not that relevant for teaching needs or learning outcomes.

At VRTY (which stands for Virtual Reality To You), we want to change the education landscape. We believe virtual reality & interactive 360 content should be accessible to everyone and every classroom across the world. That’s why we’ve created an easy-to-use platform that can support teachers and students to CREATE, BUILD, and SHARE their own curriculum-aligned projects for others to EXPERIENCE.

If you are interested in using virtual reality & interactive 360 content for your school, university, VET company, training institution or to improve employee/customer education in your business - then please reach out to us.

Our goals:

  • To bring to life STEAM learning outcomes through engaging, immersive, and active experiences;
  • To support differentiated, multi-sensory, multi-modal and interactive learning for students;
  • To engage in professional learning that brings-to-life the ICT Capability area of education curriculum integrating other learning areas; and
  • To help create content that can be used and shared with the rest of the world.

Currently available in Australia and the Philippines, VRTY was listed by CIO Advisor APAC as one of the 10 hottest AR/VR technology solution providers in 2018. Look out in 2019 as we continue to roll-out into other APAC countries.