Ubuntu 20.04 with Apache Subversion (SVN) Server

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Ubuntu 20.04 with Apache Subversion (SVN) Server

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Subversion was developed to provide a better alternative to CVS and offers all of its features (and more!)

Ubuntu 20.04 with Apache Subversion (SVN) Server

Apache Subversion is a full-featured version control system originally designed to be a better CVS analog. But Subversion has outgrown its original goal of replacing CVS, though its basic model, design, and interface remain heavily influenced by it.

CVS is a pretty simple version control system. Mostly, Apache SVN has matched or exceeded CVS's feature set already. Anyway, those features still could be seen in Subversion's particular design.

In SVN, the system maintains versioning for directories, renames, and file metadata (but not for timestamps). Users can move and/or copy entire directory trees very quickly while retaining full revision history.

Merges between branches will be tracked, this allows automatic merging between branches without telling Subversion what does and does not need to be merged.

Branching is a cheap operation, independent of file size (though Subversion itself does not distinguish between a branch and a directory)

Virtual Pulse is very happy to provide you with this Ubuntu 20.04 with Apache Subversion (SVN) Server Image, fully pre-configured and cloud hardened for perfect work in Azure environments.

Disclaimer:Virtual Pulse does not offer commercial licenses of the products mentioned above. Apache Subversion is a registered trademark of respective companies. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software.