Linux 8.4 with Docker® Compose Server

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Linux 8.4 with Docker® Compose Server

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Docker Compose is software used for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.

Linux 8.4 with Docker® Compose Server

Docker is a widely-used container tool that developers and operation teams use to create and automate deploying applications in lightweight containers on VMs.


  • Hosting Multiple Isolated Environments on a Single Host
  • Supporting Environment Variables
  • Preserving Volume Data
  • Re-Using Existing Containers

Compose keeps environments isolated from one another on a single host using project names. This helps to run stable copies of each feature branch of your project by creating multiple copies of the environment under different names.

If you are working on a CI server or a shared host, you want to make sure the builds do not interfere with each other. To do so, set the project names to unique build numbers.

You can customize containers for different environments or users by adding environment variables in the docker-compose file. This gives you more flexibility when setting up containers with Compose, as the variable values are not hard-coded in the configuration.

Another great feature of Docker Compose is that it saves data used by the services. Therefore, you don't have to worry about losing data created in containers. If there are containers from previous runs, Compose will find them and copy their volumes to the new run.

Compose only recreates containers that have changed since the last run. If there is no change, it re-uses the existing container. This feature relies on the software's ability to cache container configurations, allowing you to set up your services faster.

Virtual Pulse is glad to provide you with Linux 8.4 with Docker® Compose Server, fully pre-configured and cloud-hardened for a great performance in Azure environments. Deploy & Enjoy!

Disclaimer:Virtual Pulse does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. Docker Compose is a registered trademark of respective companies. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software.