Debian 10 with Ackee: Web Traffic Analytics

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Debian 10 with Ackee: Web Traffic Analytics

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Ackee is a self-hosted privacy-centered tool for website analytics.

Debian 10 with Ackee: Web Traffic Analytics

Ackee: Web Traffic Analytics is a self-hosted analytics tool that ensures highly protected privacy features. With Ackee, it is not necessary to track every aspect of your visitors. It is cookie-free with a built-in multi-step anonymization process enabling your users to stay anonymous.

The most recognizable feature of Ackee is how much it’s centered on privacy. Ackee creators believe that you don't need to track every aspect of your visitors. Ackee keeps tracked data anonymized to keep users from being identified while still providing helpful insights. It's the right tool for everyone who doesn't need a full-featured marketing analytics platform like Google Analytics or Matomo.

Ackee is lightweight, easy to install and has a good balance between analytics and privacy. It features an API and web interface and tracks only what's necessary.

Ackee is:

  • Beautiful: Minimal and focused interface.
  • Modern: Lightweight Node.js and MongoDB architecture.
  • Self-hosted: Ackee runs on your own server.

Virtual Pulse is glad to provide you with this Debian 10 with Ackee: Web Traffic Analytics Image, fully pre-configured and cloud-hardened for a great Azure performance. Deploy & Enjoy!


This image includes all the necessary components to run Ackee smoothly on Debian 10 and has been optimized for high performance in the Azure cloud environment. Virtual Pulse ensures that your experience with Ackee is seamless and secure, allowing you to focus on analyzing your web traffic without worrying about infrastructure setup or security concerns.

p>Disclaimer:Virtual Pulse does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. Ackee is a registered trademark of respective companies. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software.