TTMS Connected Factory 4.0

Transition Technologies MS S.A.

TTMS Connected Factory 4.0

Transition Technologies MS S.A.

TTMS Connected Factory is a complete platform enabling digital transformation for the industry.

Nowadays, regardless of the type of business, companies have a great opportunity to exploit the data they produce. Depending on the type of business, we have data from sensors, robots, systems, which, when properly processed, give us the chance to better understand our ativitiess and optimize the whole process.

The solution consists of:

  • Azure platform - Platform as a Service
  • Azure components organizing incoming signals from the device
  • Databases
  • Azure Application Insights
  • TTMS IP - compression and decompression of user's data, Flow Controller, Log Service, Management Portal

The Process: Devices

  • these could be customer provided devices, capable of connecting to Azure cloud
  • these devices could be: mobile appliances, robots, parts of automated production line

TTMS Flow and TTMS Log:

  • primary source of events processed by TTMS Flow are events coming from devices connected to Azure Iot Hub
  • there’s a set of secondary events sources (such as Event Hubs, Azure Storage Queue, Azure Service Bus); these components can be used as sources of data for re-processing or historical data analysis
  • main TTMS Flow component is Flow Controller, which coordinates calls to worker services based on event characteristics
  • worker services are applications exposing functionalities (decompression, validation, storage)
  • the set of worker services, which take part in processing a particular event can be set with Flow Management API
  • TTMS Flow is flexible and extensible – clients can define their own custom services and provide their own business logic
  • whole TTMS Flow solution is built on top of Azure Kubernetes Services
  • one of the more sophisticated services provided by TTMS is TTMS Log
  • it provides a special storage capabilities, which enable clients to store historical data regarding their connected devices
  • it also provides authorized access to querying and subscription APIs

TT Connected Factory 4.0 benefits:

  • Making better business decisions based on the analyzed data
  • Connection with the variety of industrial sources
  • Conservere the bandwith through the compression and decompresssion data stream
  • Modelling the business processs through configuring and routing the communicates and incidents to the proper receivers
  • Scalability through the Azure Kubernetes Services

Recipients of the offer:

  • CIO
  • IoT Developers
  • Dev Managers
  • DevOps leaders

Recipients by enterprise sectors:

  • Manufacturing
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Energy and Oil
  • Smart Spaces
  • E-Commerce

This application is available in English