TechHouse's Aware Report for Microsoft 365 - Nonprofit


TechHouse's Aware Report for Microsoft 365 - Nonprofit


Simplified Microsoft 365 Security for Nonprofits

Aware Report for Microsoft 365: Clear Security for Nonprofits

Vision: Aware Report for Microsoft 365 makes security simple. Get ready for audits and meet donor needs with no hassle.

Challenge: Nonprofits handle private data and donor trust. It’s tough to manage Microsoft 365 tenant security without help.


  • Overview for Leaders: See your security clearly with our charts and tips.
  • Details for IT: Our guide shows key settings and gives clear steps for better security.

Why M365 Aware?

  • Saves Money: More affordable than other options, with volume discounts when needed.
  • Keeps You Updated: Get monthly reports to track security changes.
  • Nonprofit Expertise: We’re a top-tier Microsoft nonprofit partner and know how to help you stay secure and save.
  • Insightful Analysis: Our software and AI model analyze your data to deliver a clear summary and actionable insights.

  • Adaptive Scaling: We match your monthly active user count, understanding the ebb and flow of nonprofit operations.

Easy Start:

  • One-Click Setup: Configures your report based on our best practice guidelines.
  • Personal Help (Optional): Get a report tailored to your security goals.

Questions? Contact us. We’re ready to help.