
SLK Software Services Pvt Ltd


SLK Software Services Pvt Ltd

No Code Machine Learning Platform for Enterprises across all industries

No Code Machine Learning Platform for Enterprises across all industries

Data Artistry is an automated machine learning platform that streamlines the entire model building process, from data preparation to model deployment for consumption. The platform is designed to modularize Data Exploration, Model Experimenting, and Engaging with deployed models in production. The user interface is intuitive, enabling citizen data scientists to navigate the model building process with ease.

The platform includes a range of extensive and relevant visualizations that can be shared, making it easier to communicate insights with others. Data Artistry also tracks all deployed models and suggests retraining, scaling requirements of RAM/Cores, and phasing out of models.

In addition, the platform comes with advanced features such as Data Exploration and Visualization, Feature Engineering, Automated Machine Learning, Model Explainability, Automated Deployment and Tracking. With Model Explainability, users can better understand how models arrive at specific predictions, enhancing the transparency of the decision-making process. Automated Machine Learning streamlines the modeling process, enabling users to focus on higher-level tasks.

Finally, Automated Deployment ensures that models are easily and seamlessly deployed into production environments, enabling users to quickly implement insights into their operations. Overall, Data Artistry is a powerful tool for data scientists, providing an end-to-end solution for machine learning that simplifies the entire process, from data preparation to model deployment.