



Shoppermotion: Advanced in-store analytics

Shoppermotion is a Business Intelligence company focused on retail that provides global retail companies with advance in-store analytics worldwide. Shoppermotion collects thousands of journeys from the entrance to the checkouts passively and extracts insights such as the performance of the main aisle, ROIs on categories or in-store activations performance. Microsoft products are supported by the offer:
  • Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Cloudera Altus Director
  • Azure Container Registry
  • Azure Storage Account
  • Azure Virtual Machine
KPIs included in the dashboard: 
  • Number of journeys per day
  • Average visit time per day
  • Total traffic and average visit duration
  • Traffic and visit time per day
  • Capture rate
  • Visitors and dwell time per section
  • Power hours (traffic per hour, per day)
  • Traffic and dwell time heatmaps (on each category/aisle/main area)
  • Customers engagement
  • Visitors per hour of the day
KPIs included in the BI report (plus dashboard)
  • Correlation between areas of the event (visitors that went to this area/category also visited X, Y, Z)
  • Flow map and aisles/zones' main direction
  • Directions took in the entrances and traffic in intersections
  • Clustering of missions: quick visits/networking visits/talks visits/VIP visits
  • Analysis of in-store activations: traffic, engagement and peak hours
  • Funnel: visitors that stopped by X categories, waited at Y zones and visited the back area at least Z minutes
  • Ranking of most popular promotional aisles/end-caps