MailRisk data connector for Microsoft Sentinel

Secure Practice

MailRisk data connector for Microsoft Sentinel

Secure Practice

Use the MailRisk data connector to continuously ingest analyzed emails from the Secure Practice API.

The MailRisk data connector by Secure Practice will ingest data from suspicious emails analyzed by end-users, into Microsoft Sentinel, including enriched email metadata and risk assessment updates. Access to the Secure Practice API for successfully configuring this data connector requires an existing subscription with Secure Practice, and access to an administrator account.

Secure Practice is happy to offer this out-of-the-box integration for IT administrators and security analysts who want to include MailRisk data into an integrated workflow with search and alerting features available in Microsoft Sentinel. This may apply if your organization uses the MailRisk add-in for Microsoft Outlook or Google Workspace. to allow end-users access to live analysis of suspicious emails.

Correlating security events across data sources is fundamental to efficient threat identification and incident response. Having access to live data collected from end-users who analyze and report suspicious emails, will provide Microsoft Sentinel customer with a highly valuable source of potential indicators of compromise (IOCs) having already been found by suspicious users in your own organizations. To obtain a subscription with Secure Practice for access to MailRisk, please visit our website.