Satalyst Managed Services Tier3

Satalyst Pty Ltd

Satalyst Managed Services Tier3

Satalyst Pty Ltd

Satalyst’s Azure Managed Services are all about keeping you the customer informed. Informed about changes that can bring increased value, informed about security issues and abnormal behaviour.

Our services are tailored to your requirements and can include: * 24×7 monitoring and support * IT support (patching, updates, configuration management, identity management) * Security & Compliance monitoring * Subscription Management * Health reports and dashboards * Application performance monitoring and optimization * Proactive architecture optimization services * Advanced threat analytics, anti-virus and anti-malware support * Technical Account Management and architect support * Custom application managed services * DevOps Managed Services * Proactive infrastructure monitoring and alerting * Proactive capacity planning, performance and cost optimization * Deep Security (WAF, DDoS, Threat analytics, anti-virus, anti-malware, email and web protection) * Proactive runbook authoring