Responsiv Cloud Automation Platform

RSL Azure Marketplace

Responsiv Cloud Automation Platform

RSL Azure Marketplace

Managed service solution providing process automation, enterprise integration, and security in one


All the benefits of process automation, workflow management, and enterprise application integration (EAI) in a single platform managed by Responsiv; use as part of your move to cloud, digital transformation, or business strategy.
Reduce business cost and extend hours of service by automating human tasks interacting with staff, customers, and suppliers. Directly connect to Azure using dedicated networks to remove data egress charges and reduce latency.

Responsiv manage the platform from our UK offices and host our Cloud Platforms in tier 3 UK datacentres.


  • Integrated Cloud Security
    • Options for configuring user access (including SSO and federated trust to avoid password challenges) and API protections.
  • Dedicated Enterprise Integration, API libraries, and Microservices
    • Publish-subscribe, one to many, many to one, synchronous, asynchronous, request-response, fire and forget, and file transfer
    • Handle events from IoT devices, change data capture, and other real-time notifications
    • EAI connectors for database, Kafka, JMS, Salesforce, SAP, MuleSoft, MS-Dynamics, and more
  • Dev, Test, and Prod Environments, Graphical Tooling, and Low-Code Configuration
    • Dev, test, and prod environments come as standard. Address backlogs, improve consistency and supportability, and reduce developer learning time.
  • Cost-effective Scalability
    • No surprise costs as you scale; price is based on concurrent users. Ability to add compute, capacity, and capability as you go.

Useful Use Cases

  • Staff Knowledge, Dependence, and Capacity
    • Maintain knowledge of key processes, remove dependence from individuals, and increase capacity to reduce staff strain and provide a 24x7 service.
  • Movers, Joiners, Leavers Process
    • Automate and simplify the M, J, L process for secure and consistent identity and access management
  • Customer and Supplier Portals
    • Securely expose processes to external entities
  • Legacy System Wrap-Around
    • Use RCAP to update interfaces and provide data integration capabilities whilst maintaining the original business critical system
  • IBM Migration to Cloud
    • Migrate or rebuild existing IBM applications on Azure