Magento Ready with Ubuntu Server LTS 20.04


Magento Ready with Ubuntu Server LTS 20.04


Magento Ready with Ubuntu 20 LTS Ready to Deployment

This app is only available in Spanish. What's Magento? Magento is an open source e-commerce platform, offering all online merchants and business owners a flexible shopping cart system, as well as full control over every aspect, content and functionality of the online store. Magento offers a fairly extensive catalog of tools for management, marketing and search engine optimization. Build multi-channel commerce experiences for B2B and B2C customers on a single platform. From catalog to payment to fulfillment, our future-proof technology gives you a commerce platform that’s endlessly flexible, extensible, and scalable. For more information visit: Instructions to finish the configuration and installation of Magento. This virtual machine already has a database for Magento with the following data: database: magentodb user: magentouser pass: Magento2022! Run the following commands on the ssh console: 1. Move to the directory: cd /var/www/html/magento2 2. Execute bin/magento setup:install --base-url=http://your-vm-ip --db-host=localhost --db-name=magentodb --db-user=magentouser --db-password=Magento2022! --admin-firstname=YourFirstname --admin-lastname=YourLastname --admin-user=youradminuser --admin-password=yourpassadmin --language=es_ES --currency=MXN --timezone=America/Mexico_City --use-rewrites=1 * Update the values base-url, admin-firstname, admin-lastname, admin-email, admin-user, admin-paassword, language, currency and timezone according to your country. 3. Change directory owner : sudo chown -R www-data: /var/www/html/magento2/ 4. Install the Cron task for Magento: sudo -u www-data php bin/magento cron:install 5. Restart services: sudo a2enmod rewrite sudo systemctl restart apache2 6. Default ports: Linux Machines: SSH Port: 22 Http: 80 Https: 443 Mysql ports: By default these are not open on Public Endpoints. Mysql :3306 7. Software installed: Magento - Last release Apache 2.4 PHP 7.4 MySQL 8 ElasticSearch 7.17 Log in into your Virtual Machine and please run: sudo mysql_secure_installation on the ssh console. We strongly recommend updating the MySQL Server root data. If you have any questions or need more information about the content of this Virtual Machine, please visit our website: