QA Wolf

QA Wolf

QA Wolf

QA Wolf

80% automated E2E test coverage in 4 months


Bugs sneak out when less than 80% of user flows are tested before shipping. But getting that kind of coverage — and staying there — is hard and pricey for any sized team. That's why we built QA Wolf. QA Wolf helps Microsoft customers build, run, and maintain their automated tests.

QA Wolf gets you complete coverage in just 4 months and keep you there with 24-hour maintenance and on-demand test creation. You get unlimited, parallel test runs on our infrastructure, and we guarantee zero flakes. It’s like magic but it’s QA Wolf.

Included with QA Wolf:
  • Unlimited test runs/executions
  • 3-minute QA cycles with 100% parallel test runs
  • Zero flake guarantee
  • A complete and comprehensive test matrix for your entire web app
  • Unlimited maintenance for tests that fail
  • Unlimited user seats
  • 24-hour engineering support
  • Zero vendor lock-in using open-source Playwright