Plan Heal Smart Health and Target Assessment

Plan Heal Smart Health Assessment, Inc.

Plan Heal Smart Health and Target Assessment

Plan Heal Smart Health Assessment, Inc.

Enhance Patient Care Workflows with AI-Powered Health Bots - Better Risk Detection & Care Management

What is the Smart Health Platform?

The Smart Health Platform is an on-demand health bot assessments platform that supports the patient, and their care team for a patient health journey that’s more real-time, personalized, safer, and efficient. Plan Heal targets high-cost chronic disease categories.

Who can use the Smart Health Platform?

Healthcare Organizations, Life Sciences Companies, and Payor Organizations to support patient pre-diagnosis, post-diagnosis, and while on-therapy.

What are the benefits of using the Smart Health Platform?

Care teams gain access to more personalized patient health information, efficient decision support, better health outcomes, and a solution that integrates into existing care workflows for simpler adoption. Plan Heal offers the Smart Health Assessment, a Health Bot platform that provides AI powered on-demand digital health assessments to enhance patient monitoring for the high-cost chronic disease categories of Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Chronic Kidney Disease, Cancer, and Heart Disease.

90% of product users reported having a more engaged visit with their care provider when they used the Smart Health Assessment. (Plan Heal Beta Test Research- Patient Experience)

According to the Centers for Disease Control, Right Now in the US Alone, more than 167M People Have a Disease but Do Not Know It. Could your patient be at risk or have a disease that they do not know they have?

People are living a lower quality of life due to diseases that have been undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or late detected. Equally, patients that have already been diagnosed with a disease are experiencing unnecessarily high readmission rates due to not fully understanding how to best manage their care post-diagnosis and while in the home setting.

Plan Heal supports preventative, pre-diagnosis, and post-diagnosis care, here’s how it works:

  • Patients access Plan Heal Assessments using any laptop, desktop, mobile or IoT device to help them manage and report their health more efficiently.
  • Healthcare organizations access real-time and ongoing patient reported health data that’s analyzed and ready to view in their existing healthcare organization’s EHR workflow to access real-time patient health status and access better decision support.
  • Payor and Life Sciences Organizations can use analyzed patient data to deliver more personalized programming to help patients better manage their health.
Does this sound familiar? The average doctor has more than 2000 patients on their care panel and can only spend about 15 minutes with each patient so some diseases go undetected or undiagnosed until it’s too late.

  • Plan Heal helps care teams manage patients more efficiently at-scale to decrease high rates of undiagnosed diseases, misdiagnosed diseases, and late-stage detected diseases.
  • Plan Heal meets the patient where they are in their healthcare journey and empowers them to become a more health literate and collaborative patient.

What makes us unique? We empower the patient and the care team!

Plan Heal Targets High-Cost Chronic Disease Categories. With the Plan Heal Smart Health Assessment, care teams have the power to manage patients at-scale, real-time, and more efficiently. Patients have the right tools to help them become more health literate and active in their healthcare journey. See latest media feature.

Our expertise:

Plan Heal is a Microsoft for Startups Company with Microsoft Partner Status. We use our expertise to build products and deliver services to help the human population live safer, healthier, and more productive lives. Our collective team of company leaders and esteemed advisors have more than 40 years of product and software development, digital analytics, data security, artificial intelligence, and medical fields. Learn more about us, see the links below.