Cloud Identity Management - Azure AD B2C

PlanB. GmbH

Cloud Identity Management - Azure AD B2C

PlanB. GmbH

One enterprise-wide user and access management for unified protection of enterprise apps and assets.

PlanB.'s Identity Solution protects enterprise applications and resources from unauthorized access and covers all relevant aspects of modern user/application lifecycle management. It supports B2C as well as B2B scenarios.

Nowadays, most companies cannot avoid giving customers, partners, suppliers and employees external access to the company network. Based on a standardized and cross-application Single-Sign-On authentication, Cloud Identity Management from PlanB. ensures the protection of the company network including access to consumer applications as well as company applications and resources. Data loss is limited with state-of-the-art technology

Registration on the system is handled via self-service. The user can create a new account or register with the account of an already known application (e.g. LinkedIn, O365, ...). The activation of the account takes place via validation of the email address, if necessary based on approval processes. After successful registration, the user can login to the applications activated for him. 
PlanB.´s Cloud Identity Management also provides registration forms and customizable login pages for each application. This allows additional application-specific data to be collected and stored separately from the login user data.


In the Self-Service Portal of PlanB.´s Cloud Identity Management the user can view his personal data, maintain his profile information (e.g. telephone number, address...) or change his password. If he has forgotten his password, he can reset it himself. If he no longer needs his access, he can log off the application himself. A person responsible for the application can confirm or reject the unsubscription.


In the Management Portal administrator work can be done regarding users, applications and organizations. User lifecycle and application lifecycle management are fully integrated.