FraudSnap - Real-time email fraud detection

Pegasus One

FraudSnap - Real-time email fraud detection

Pegasus One

FraudSnap is a turn-key email fraud detection powered by Azure AI.

Email fraud is a leading cause of data breaches, malware distribution, intellectual property theft, and more. According to the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), email scams cost businesses more than $1.7B in 2019. To reduce your risk of email fraud, eliminate the threat before employee contact occurs. 

FraudSnap helps you process data directly from the user interface or a secure email server. Delivered using Microsoft Azure infrastructure, this high-performance, managed email fraud detection service streamlines the adoption, integration, and scale of your fraud detection and fraud prevention.

FraudSnap offers a turn-key solution, ready for use right out of the box.

FraudSnap: Our promise to you

  • Simplified email security and fraud detection and improved user productivity.
  • Reduce your network email fraud by over 90%
  • Fully managed, Cloud-native security and network
  • Minimal burden on your email client and server

Comprehensive, custom fraud detection

  • Tailors fraud detection to the needs of your business using customizable rules
  • Detects a wide range of fraud types, including roaming, bypass, high-usage, pre-paid, and subscription
  • Reduces false positives though advanced data analysis

Advanced insight and access control

  • Sends automated notifications using email, Slack, and Skype
  • Offers full control over when and how you want to be notified—and lets you customize by user
  • Enables flexible insight by fraud type or pattern
  • Customizable AI-based, self-learning “Focus” inbox

Industry-specific solutions

  • Financial services
  • Healthcare
  • Government ​
  • Education