



Version 27.5.1 + Free Support on Debian 12

Docker is a popular, open-source platform that enables developers to create, deploy, and manage applications within lightweight, portable containers. Docker simplifies the process of packaging applications and their dependencies, ensuring consistency across development, testing, and production environments.

Features of Docker:

  • Packages applications and their dependencies into isolated containers, ensuring consistent environments across different platforms.
  • Containers can run on any system that supports Docker, including cloud environments, virtual machines, and physical servers.
  • Easily scale applications by running multiple container instances and orchestrating them with tools like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes.
  • Docker images provide versioning, making it easy to roll back to previous versions of an application.

To check docker version: docker --version

Disclaimer: Docker is an open-source project distributed under the Apache License 2.0. It is not affiliated with, endorsed by, or sponsored by any company. Docker is provided "as is," without any warranty, express or implied. Users are responsible for proper configuration and security when using Docker in production environments.