Netpump Data for Azure


Netpump Data for Azure


Netpump Data accelerates data migration between Azure regions and on-premises services by around 10x

As data volumes continue to grow exponentially, organizations require faster data transfer - Netpump Data will reduce transfer time on Azure, typically improving performance by 11.3x and even up to 30x.

Netpump Data is data throughput optimization tool designed for data transfers through a virtual machine in front of Azure storage products and otherwise does not affect low volume data transfers or workflows. Netpump Data uses nonlinear data transfer through multiple ports to dramatically reduce packet loss. Optimized data segmentation and nonlinear transfers mean that multiple ports are used instead of just one. This greatly reduces the risk of access congestion, enables accelerated delivery, and accesses the latent capacity of available bandwidth.

Netpump Data addresses the most pressing of migration or movement concerns for organizations:

· Customers, staff and partners are all intolerant of data delivery delays.

· Extended time-frames for cloud migration considerably raise overall cloud migration costs because of increased personnel needs.

· Longer migration times increases the risk of longer down-times and costly business continuity disruption.

· Growing energy consumption from data movement means a bigger carbon footprint.

· Data acceleration tools that rely on hardware are expensive, require skilled labor to operate and rely on cumbersome workflow.

Netpump Data is for organizations on Azure who are migrating or moving large volumes of data between regions or on-premises who value quick data migration, cost efficiency and uptime.

The following types of organizations are likely to find Netpump Data especially beneficial:

· Organizations with Global Operations: Azure users active in multiple regions needing frequent data synchronization or backups across these regions.

· Enterprises Undergoing Digital Transformation: Companies transitioning significant operations to the cloud, requiring efficient data migration.

· Businesses with High Uptime Requirements: Entities like financial institutions or e-commerce platforms where extended down-times can be detrimental.

· Small to Mid-sized Businesses: Those lacking resources for specialized personnel or expensive data acceleration hardware, seeking a cost-effective migration solution.

· Industries with Rapid Data Growth: Sectors like media & entertainment or bioinformatics handling massive, ever-growing datasets.

· Hybrid Cloud Users: Organizations using a mix of on-premises infrastructure and cloud, often transferring data between both environments.