Selenium Dynamic Grid

SilverLining.Cloud GmbH

Selenium Dynamic Grid

SilverLining.Cloud GmbH

Solve your Browser Automation needs by running your own Grid in the Cloud!

Get started with your own Selenium Grid on Azure in 1 click (now Gen2 supported!)

This image provides one-click deployment for a dynamic Selenium Grid based on Docker containers. It also provides an endpoint for automating remote Chrome, Firefox and Edge. Selenium is ideal for Test Automation, automating routine web tasks, Web Crawlers, and App Monitoring. This image comes with detailed documentation, sample code snippets, and email support. Contact us at for any infrastructure and coding issues. Our customers trust our prepackaged products and tailor-made services combined with the included infrastructure and development support.

KEY BENEFITS Dynamic Grid offers the possibility of running remote Selenium tests concurrently in isolated Docker environments. The maximum of concurrent sessions is determined by the number of vCPU of your instance. The Grid server automatically queues incoming requests to prevent unwanted overloading.

Easy Usage (example in Python):
from selenium import webdriver
capabilities = {'browserName': 'chrome'}
driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor = 'http://<PublicIpAddressOfGridServer>:4444/wd/hub', desired_capabilities = capabilities)

Find detailed Documentation for this product at:

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