
Niles Partners Inc.


Niles Partners Inc.

Squid is a caching and forwarding proxy server built mainly to serve HTTP and FTP requests.

Squid is a multipurpose caching and forwarding proxy server built mainly to serve HTTP and FTP requests. It extends its capability to support other protocols like SSL, TLS, HTTPS, and Internet Gopher, though with limitations. It was designed to exploit the internet connection for speedy content delivery. Squid also supports building cache server hierarchies with its ability to route requests in various ways. It has the ability to act as a reverse proxy cum webserver accelerator. Features Multiple Caching Protocols Support Squid offers excellent support to a wide array of caching protocols that include ICP, HTCP, CARP, WCCP. Scalability Squid can be used from smaller and simpler networks to larger and complex networks. Anonymizing Connections It can anonymize connections by changing or disabling the header fields.