
Niles Partners Inc.


Niles Partners Inc.

Jekyll is a trend-setting static html page generator.

Jekyll is a trend-setting static html page generator. It’s popular not just for being free and open-source, but also for its simplicity and utility. Written in Ruby, it renders Markdown or Textile templates to build and publish static pages in one go. Also, it would require Ruby and Ruby gems installation. It supports JSON, YAML, TSV, and CSV files for loading content which is then converted by the Liquid templating engine for generating the website for front-end user’s consumption. Features Clutter-free and Effortless Site Building Almost all the website generation cases are covered by auto-generator and Markdown renderer with no gap between what the developer’s action and outcome. Also, at the beginning, the user is free from the burden of configuring Jekyll. Content friendly Publishing, updating, and managing content with Jekyll is super-easy. It stores files as text files which can be modified easily. Just like working with the text editor! Ample Themes and Templates Its simplicity makes it easier for beginners laying their hands on development and content management. Besides, the availability of a large number of templates makes it enjoyable and encouraging too. Built-in Development Server The built-in Development Server allows the developer to experiment with intuition without having to worry about wasting time. Refresh the page and see the changes and updates in effect. Connectors that Enable Editors Jekyll websites are connectible to various Cloud-based CMS. Content editors can do their job without coding with the help of connectors like CloudCannon, Siteleaf, Forestry etc.