Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop with VPN Service built on WireGuard technology (AMD64)

Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop with VPN Service built on WireGuard technology (AMD64)

Create your own VPN service! Fast, secure connections to local and cloud resources.

Key Benefits:
  • Superior Performance: Stream content at the highest quality (4K+) with no issues.
  • Secure: Best-in-class authentication and cryptography with OAuth2 and WireGuard.
  • Easy to Manage: With templated configurations and remote management capabilities, we offer a solution that is easy to use and support.
  • API:Monitor and automate your VPN with our easy-to-use RESTful API.

This image has Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with WireGuard and Nettica VPN Service pre-installed, and is suitable for use as a bastion, a relay, tunnel, and many other back-end needs.

About Us: We have been providing secure, scalable solutions since 2004, and are passionate about customer service and support.

Learn More: Check out our Cloud Services and learn more about the services we offer.