Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Migration

mLogica LLC

Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Migration

mLogica LLC

Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Migration

mLogica’s proprietary STAR*M automated migration software suite replatforms and refactors your legacy application and database code onto leading-edge cloud platforms with unmatched reliability; reducing errors, risk and costs while accelerating time-to-market.

STAR*M’s unmatched automated modernization software lets you migrate your Oracle Databases to Azure Database for PostgreSQL. STAR*M also enables you to convert the embedded SQLs in the applications to work with the new database.

Migrated Components -

Tables, Data, Indexes, Package, Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Views, Schema, Sequence, Synonym, Global temporary table, Inline external table - 18c Future, Materialized view, Partition table, Private temporary table - 18C, Built-in functions, Built-in Packages, Data types, PL/SQL Data types, Operators, Literals, Expressions, Pseudocolumns, Database link, Embedded SQLs within Applications

STAR*M, the advanced automation suite lets you modernize in one third the time and half the cost!

  • Migrate outdated databases and applications to the cloud securely and cost-effectively

  • Unmatched automated conversion software optimizes accuracy, efficiency and spend

  • Unlock and monetize your data with the agility and scalability of the cloud