Fiscal Balance and Efficiency of Government Expend

Mais Partners

Fiscal Balance and Efficiency of Government Expend

Mais Partners

Complete application to increase the capacity of Government Investments for Microsoft Azure

MAiS Municípios for Azure

MAiS is more than a solution, it is our business unit totally focused on the world of Municipal Management. Starting from a very simple principle: the cities are the places where services are rendered to the population. However, Brazilian cities ​​have the smallest share of tax collection, with less resources for public management, reduced and impaired. To meet the challenge of changing this scenario, we have created MAiS Municípios with the best of our expertise: acting with national capillarity, the experience of consultants and formers municipal managers and a full range of management solutions for governments of all sizes in Brazil. We want to pass our leadership in Public Expenditure Efficiency to all Brazilian cities!

The MAiS solutions aims to impact the cities by improving municipal management. We have reached the capacity of use PDCA method combined with management skills and business algorithms developed by MAiS. We added this methodological and technological base of a wide range of specific knowledges of municipal management in order to impact the entire financial ecosystem of the municipalities.

MAiS Municipios is a solution that combines the use of Microsoft's cloud computing platform and features of Big Data and Machine Learning - to cross data that resulted in the elaboration of action planning aimed at increasing its revenue

See what Microsoft said about MAiS: Digital Transformation

See another article about this Partnership: The search for transparency and efficiency in public management

For more information, please visit