Legalcluster Compliance Solution

Legalcluster by Seville More Hélory

Legalcluster Compliance Solution

Legalcluster by Seville More Hélory

Simplify, secure and accelerate, all your legal & compliance processes across your organization

Scope of offer:

- Ethic & compliance policies management

- Gift & invitation declaration management

- Conflict of interest declaration management

- Sponsoring declaration management

- Lobbying project management

Best for:

You're an intermediate to large enterprises, headquatered in Europe, deployed across different countries facing large volume of legal & compliance matters, data and workflows. You're suffering tightening regulation and legislation context - willing to transform these constraints into competitive edge.

You must make sure people and business are compliant. You must streamline, centralize and report large volume of legal & compliance data and WF, across all levels of your organization, to enhance auditability, transparency, data governance, business intelligence and risk management,

You want a solution that people will use because it makes their life easier and brings value to their work, versus being a burden, with the maximum ROI for the organization

Legalcluster Compliance Solution is the Suite of solutions you need.

Accessible to all, based on collaboration, user centric, Legalcluster is designed to provide each organization’s member with an easy access to proper people, data, workflows, services and reporting capacities, to perform his job with ease and compliance certainty.

LC simplifies, secures and accelerates, any legal & compliance process by at least 75% to increase business efficiency and compliance at the same pace, and enhances instant centralization and consolidation of related data, at scale, to improve governance, risk management, auditability and legal business intelligence.

Unlike manual ad hoc, time-consuming processes managed by email and spreadsheets, or old fashion expert systems designed as pure back-office solution for legal professional only, creating data silos and poor ROI, (when not breaking business value…) our product:

  • facilitates communication and collaboration between legal & compliance department team members and businesspeople
  • offers an integrated, modular, configurable, collaborative platform with a second to none UX and deep legal and compliance matters coverage.

Additional support
Legalcluster also offers other subscriptions (advanced authentication, e-signature, campaign, etc.) and professional services support (integration, migration, set up, etc.) as an option. For more details contact our Sales Team.