Jvion Community Health Equity (SDOH)


Jvion Community Health Equity (SDOH)


Understand the social determinants of health across a geography driving healthcare utilization.

Jvion Community offers healthcare organizations, public health entities, and other community-based programs the ability to understand the non-clinical drivers of healthcare utilization across a geography.

The Jvion CORE™ combines insights derived from its repository of more than 35 million individuals with socioeconomic and environmental health data, including determinants such as income, air quality, and food access. The AI CORE stratifies the SDOH factors based on their influence on community vulnerabilities driving healthcare cost and utilization. Healthcare organizations can drill down from the zip code level to the Census block level to see which neighborhoods are most vulnerable and the top risk factors. This allows organizations to more accurately identify opportunities for investment in community benefit programs that address barriers to care.

Leveraging the Jvion CORE™ and publicly available data, social vulnerability information including the importance scale, numeric level, and human-readable description of risk is provided for all counties and block groups within the region.

To give an example, health systems could use Jvion Community Insights to determine where they can partner with food banks and food delivery services to address food insecurity or food deserts. In an analysis, we conducted in Oklahoma, we found that by expanding access to food banks in counties where food security had a high impact on social vulnerability, Medicaid could save nearly $10 million per year statewide by reducing the average cost of healthcare for members.

Healthcare organizations can take steps to address vulnerabilities and, as a result, reduce patients’ risk for avoidable harm and hospital utilization.

At Jvion, we believe that addressing vulnerability is the key to improving health outcomes, raising the quality of care and lowering health costs. Applying Jvion’s SDOH Community Vulnerability Insights could mean simply educating vulnerable patients about their unique risks, establishing mobile testing sites in vulnerable communities to catch illness early, or helping unemployed or low-income patients enroll in Medicaid or other financial benefits so they can afford their care should they need it.