Limitless Digital Workplace News Portal

IT-Dev sp. z o.o.

Limitless Digital Workplace News Portal

IT-Dev sp. z o.o.

Elevate internal communication to a higher level within a user-friendly environment!

Do you care about ensuring that your colleagues always feel well-informed about what's happening in the company and at the right time? We have a solution for you!

Limitless Digital Workplace News Portal integrates the key functionalities of Microsoft 365 communication tools (SharePoint, Teams, Viva), enhancing their usability and interactivity with an extra layer of enhancement.

  • Remove skill obstacles
    You don't have to possess advanced SharePoint knowledge to construct your portal. Utilizing the templates from Limitless Digital Workplace News Portal, anyone can initiate portal building without requiring extensive SharePoint training.

  • Build easily and quickly
    Standard portals built in SharePoint offer a rich content management system (CMS) that significantly facilitates the creation of article content. The Limitless Digital Workplace News Portal offers much more. With built-in, predefined templates for corporate news and communication areas, creating content has never been easier and faster.

  • Increase reach and communication effectiveness
    If you need to convey particularly important information to employees or remind them of selected content, do so with "push" messages. Send notifications about the most important articles from the portal directly to Microsoft Teams and the mobile app. Reach users more effectively.

  • Single source of truth
    A dynamically changing work environment poses the risk of some content and articles becoming outdated. Your employees actively contribute to ensuring the timeliness of information available on the portal through error reporting functionality. Additionally, thanks to built-in "Governance Information" mechanisms and content recertification, information in the communication portal will always be up to date.

  • Base of corporate images and photos
    SharePoint offers a base of free images to make your portal even more attractive. However, nothing can replace photos of your coworkers and photo reports from corporate events. In the Limitless Digital Workplace News Portal, you can build an official base of corporate photos to attract users' attention to your articles and increase their engagement.

  • Your portal is an attractive portal
    If you're wondering if SharePoint can look better, the answer is definitely yes. The Limitless Digital Workplace News Portal is fully integrated with the Limitless Digital Workplace Branding service, allowing you to customize the portal's appearance according to your preferences and your company's visual identity system.

About us

We are a modern workplace SaaS solution company that removes barriers to innovation by creating a people-centered digital workplace experience. We have delivered more than 500 successful Digital Workplace projects internationally.

We can help your company to use future-proof technology to build the habits and routines that lead to growth, outperforming strategic goals, and seizing new opportunities.

Get in touch with us

Don't hesitate to reach out! Whether you have questions, feedback, or just want to chat, feel free to contact us anytime at