AIM@iSTAR Advanced Analytics

Integral Solutions (Asia) Pte Ltd

AIM@iSTAR Advanced Analytics

Integral Solutions (Asia) Pte Ltd

Smart Education with AI Using Predictive data analytics to improve learning outcome

Smart Education with AI

Using predictive data analytics to improve learning outcome

  • Enables schools to discover students’ weaknesses automatically
  • Automate adaptive learning processes
  • Generate learning contents and assessment automatically to achieve personalised learning

At ISL, we bring 27 years of data mining experience to education services. With our Artificial Intelligence engine, educators can identify their students’ weaknesses in an instant and they can concentrate on the actual teaching.

AIM@iSTAR discovers student weaknesses to improve learning outcomes:

  • Artificial Intelligence engine identifies student weaknesses with every assessment
  • Auto-generates assessment questions tailored to individual students
  • Auto-generates learning contents to help student with such weaknesses
  • Auto-generates diagnostic reports so that teachers, parents and students can work together to overcome student weaknesses

Digital transformation of your education processes

  • report provides timely Business intelligence dashboard allows continuous monitoring of student performance from day one
  • One-Click Interactive Segment Chart for subject, level, class, student performance and weaknesses across topics, skills and difficulty levels
  • Artificial intelligence engine automates the discovery of factors influencing student weaknesses
  • System highlights trends of declining student performance to alert educators so that remedial action can be taken
  • Diagnostics report summarises student strengths and weaknesses allows educator and parent implement improvement measures

Did you know?

  • 50% of students are unable to identify their exact weaknesses
  • 50% of students do not know how to obtain relevant training content and assessment questions to address their weaknesses
  • 50% of educators do not have time to monitor the progress of individual students

AIM@iSTAR® automatically

  • Discovers student weaknesses and its influencing factors
  • Generates assessment questions customized questions to address student weaknesses
  • Generates diagnostics report for individual students

Our promise to you

Enjoy improved student learning outcomes and improved educator productivity through excellent data analytics.

An offer to get you started

  • Reduce manpower required to prepare assessment paper to target individual student weaknesses
  • Improve educator’s capability in enhancing learning outcomes
  • Improve student’s confidence
  • Improve parent’s confidence in enrolling their children into your school