Elevate - IT Innovation & Implementation Platform

InCycle Software

Elevate - IT Innovation & Implementation Platform

InCycle Software

Purpose built app mod & GenAI innovation platform to support strategy through to implementation.

Based on 20+ years in business and 1,000's of successful projects delivered, InCycle's team of industry experts has acquired or developed valuable experience, frameworks, and technology to accelerate enterprise digital transformation and maximize customer ROI. These strategies, tools, methodologies and capabilities have been "codified" for customer adoption, engagements and most importantly, speed to production (value). The result is Elevate, InCycle’s state of the art IT innovation platform designed specifically to accelerate application modernization and migrations to Azure.


Digital transformation is a necessary strategic journey, but not without its challenges. In fact, most organizations do not have a contextualized and strategic approach to systematically move workloads and apps to Azure. Instead, stakeholders struggle and say things like:

    • "We don’t know where to begin" - lack of visibility into workload inventory, scale, and priority.
    • "Cloud is new, complex and dynamic" - feeling intimated, teams may not have the requisite skills (e.g., architecture, security...)
    • "Our team is already overwhelmed" - already behind and spread thin between too many projects.
    • "Everything is a one off" - from testing to security to governance, every team reinvents the wheel!
    • "Project is too slow" - no end in sight; deadlines slip, teams get frustrated and lose interest.

To address these challenges, we "innovated" beyond common modernization approaches. To start, we asked ourselves, our partners, and our customers, "what if you could..."


In today's fast moving market dynamics, effective cloud adoption is key to a successful digital transformation and business growth. Increasingly, customers are updating older software for newer computing approaches, frameworks and infrastructure platforms. This practice is called application modernization, and it means taking an existing application in its current form (most likely, legacy and monolithic) and transforming it into something that is more agile, elastic, highly available and in the cloud. Desired app modernization results include, reduced costs, enriched customer experiences, enhanced productivity, improved security and increased business agility. Transforming a business into a modern enterprise is both strategic and challenging. To that end, InCycle offers a series of app modernization accelerators to help customers navigate portfolio and modernizations initiatives.

Portfolio & App Modernization Accelerators:

  • Preparation & Planning (context and environment)
  • Modernization Strategy (portfolio & app/workload)
  • Innovation/Modernization (project plan, backlogs, landing zones, and other artifacts)
  • Portfolio/App Optimization (dashboards, KPIs, recommendations etc.)
  • Platform Engineering (dedicated self-service portal)

Gen AI Accelerators:
  • Preparation & Planning (context and environment)
  • Modernization Strategy (portfolio & app/workload)
  • Innovation/Modernization (project plan, backlogs, landing zones, and other artifacts)