Hexagon Computer-Aided Engineering Solutions

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence

Hexagon Computer-Aided Engineering Solutions

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence

Design & engineering simulations. Smarter computer-aided engineering and virtual manufacturing

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence’s computer-aided engineering (CAE) software enable designers, engineers, and analysts to simulate product and process performance in multiple aspects of the product development cycles. Increase productivity and design quality with Hexagon’s software running on Microsoft Azure by reducing the number of prototypes and time-to-market for your innovation

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Hexagon offers two pragmatic CFD software, scFLOW and scSTREAM, that solves steady-state and transient fluid flows for internal and external aerodynamics, tackling heat transfer, rotating machinery, multiphase fluids and aeroacoustics simulations. Both scFLOW and scSTREAM scale almost linearly on the cloud up to hundreds of thousands of cores.

Structural Analysis

As a premier Finite Element Analysis (FEA) solver, MSC Nastran offers engineers a comprehensive suite of tools for simulating and optimizing product designs. MSC Nastran can seamlessly handle a variety of simulations such as stress, dynamics, acoustics, thermal and durability analyses. Its versatility and accuracy make it a popular choice for engineers in a range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, and defense.


Solve acoustics problems, fast, accurately and reliably with Actran. From aircraft engines, electric motors and fan noise to complete vehicles, satellites and loudspeakers, Actran is helping engineers better understand and improve the acoustic performance of their products.

Advanced Linear and nonlinear Multiphysics Analysis

Marc is a robust linear and nonlinear Multiphysics analysis software excelling in complex simulations. It is ideal to accurately model complex scenarios, addressing nonlinear challenges in manufacturing, rubber, machinery, and more industries. Some of the notable capabilities, but not limited to, are advanced global remeshing, local adaptivity, fracture analysis, robust contact handling, diverse materials, and extensible user subroutines.