Medical Chart / Natural Language Understanding

Healthpointe Solutions, Inc.

Medical Chart / Natural Language Understanding

Healthpointe Solutions, Inc.

Digitize unstructured medical charts into summarized and actionable insights

Lack of automation of medical record processing create large, costly manual processing that slows the ability to delivery key health insights to providers and patients. 70% of clinical interactions are documented in notes across different practitioners. Harvesting information in those notes are critical to ensuring that the patient gets the right care at the right time. Integrating this information into structured systems is time consuming and prone to error. Many notes remain siloed from other healthcare data, resulting in an incomplete picture of a consumer’s health status and history.

Our cloud-based data platform gathers and normalizes structured and unstructured data across numerous information silos throughout the entire healthcare ecosystem. Our portfolio consists of leading cognitive artificial intelligence applications leverage the HPS’ powerful data platform enabling insights and solutions that drive client operational improvements.

Chart/NLU processing offers a simplified solution focused on capturing, interpreting, and integrating unstructured data into a full health care record that can be consumed directly into the provider’s workflow.

•       Data Enrichment – Enables a provider to get to a full more usable medical record helping to identify the right patient care at the right time.

•       Clinical Interoperability - Advanced data privacy empowers sharing of patient health records and personalized actions across various experiences.

•       Reduce administrative costs and improve experience by reducing data latency, improve quality, and standardizing analytics and insights in workflow.

•       Support clinical practice transformation and measurement by integrating AI into workflow moving from descriptive analytics to prescriptive analytics.

•       Reduce development, integration, and maintenance costs with a common, standards-based clinical canonical model and API layer.

HealthPointe Solutions Chart/NLU processing goes beyond moving from an unstructured medical record to an organized medical record and provides a clinically enriched summary of key findings.