Health AI247 patient-centric platform


Health AI247 patient-centric platform


Healthcare professionals: Time saved lives saved.

Healthcare professionals often face two significant challenges: fragmented access to patient medical records across multiple locations and time-consuming administrative tasks during patient care. These issues can slow decision-making and compromise the quality of care.

Health AI247 addresses these challenges with a patient-centric platform designed to save time and lives. It enables healthcare professionals to seamlessly access patient medical records from any location and provides tools for quickly researching symptoms and conditions. This platform helps optimize care, improve outcomes, and reduce costs by streamlining workflows and enabling timely, informed decisions across all stages of treatment. By integrating robust error reduction mechanisms, Health AI247 minimizes the risk of mistakes in patient care, ensuring higher accuracy in diagnoses, treatments, and medication dispensing. This focus on error reduction, alongside waste management and efficiency, allows healthcare providers to deliver safer and more reliable care.

Integration with Microsoft Azure and Other Microsoft Products:

Key Components:

  • Microsoft Entra Verified ID: Utilized for secure identity verification, linking patient records to verified identities.
  • Azure App Services: Offers a scalable platform for deploying and managing applications.
  • Azure Cognitive Services: Uses Azure Text Analytics for Health to facilitate efficient note-taking and medical record retrieval during patient consultations.
  • FHIR Services in Azure Health Data Services: Ensures interoperability and data integrity by associating clinical notes with patient IDs in Azure Cosmos DB.

Additional Components:

  • Azure OpenAI Service: Provides real-time information retrieval and summarization of medical literature to assist doctors during consultations.
  • Patient Consent Management: Leverages Azure Logic Apps and the Health Bot service, along with Dynamics 365, to manage patient consent. This system allows patients to grant or revoke consent within a familiar CRM environment, ensuring compliance and respect for patient autonomy, including access to their medical records.
  • Workflow for Consultation Summaries: Doctors will utilize Azure Function Apps and Azure Logic Apps to review, edit, and approve consultation summaries. This looping process ensures that approved notes are securely stored in Azure Cosmos DB. An email with the approved clinical note, including the correct CPT and ICD codes, will be sent to Health Insurance and the Patient for claim processing.

Security, Compliance, and Code Highlighting:

  • Implements secure login mechanisms for system access and data protection, in compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Employs Azure Key Vault for secret management and Microsoft Entra ID P2 for authentication.
  • Highlights CPT and ICD codes within the notes for easy recognition, with Azure Cognitive Services accurately identifying them and correlating them with the appropriate procedures and diagnoses.
  • Our platform complies with POPIA, HITRUST, EU privacy laws and regulations, SOC 1, SOC 2, ISO 27017, and ISO 27001 standards.

Monitoring and Logging:

  • Utilizes Azure Monitor and Application Insights for monitoring system performance and workflow status.

Integration Points:

  • Integrates Azure OpenAI into the consultation process for immediate informational support.
  • Combines Azure Text Analytics for Health and FHIR Services to process and store structured clinical data.

Ensuring Accuracy and Currency:

  • Implements regular updates and employs prompt engineering techniques to maintain the responsiveness and accuracy of Azure OpenAI.
  • Establishes an expert review process and a feedback loop to ensure the reliability of information provided by the AI.