SearchUnify Virtual Assistant

Grazitti Interactive

SearchUnify Virtual Assistant

Grazitti Interactive

Fine-tuned, Contextual and Intent-driven Virtual Assistant Experiences

SearchUnify Virtual Assistant or SUVA is the world’s first federated, information retrieval augmented virtual assistant for fine-tuned, contextual, and intent-driven conversational experiences at scale. SearchUnify Virtual Assistant harnesses the power of machine learning, NLP, NLQA, generative AI and an insights engine to resolve customer and employee support queries 24/7 with the least amount of user effort.

By leveraging the federated retrieval augmented generation approach, SearchUnify Virtual Assistant fetches relevant information or responses, which are then used as input or context for the generation component to produce more accurate and contextually appropriate responses. SUVA offers exceptional features like contextual, intent-sensitive responses, unsupervised learning, transactional query management, end-to-end assistance, seamless human handoff, dynamic decision tree support, and best-in-class analytics. SUVA can automate various internal operations to reduce employee burden while lowering costs in the HR, IT, and Customer Support industries.

Here is what differentiates SUVA from other market leaders:

  • Ease of Setup/Integration with Leading LLMs

  • More Control over SUVA’s Response Humanization

  • Efficient Costing for LLM Usage with Segregation of Intents into LLM vs non-LLM Directed Intents

  • Better Intent Recognition Assistance for Tree-based Conversation Flows

  • User Level Personalization and Access Controls

  • Fallback Response Generation in Case of LLM Downtime

  • Fuel Knowledge Gap Identification through [F]RAG™

  • Fuel User Confidence through Reference Citations

  • Fuel Contextual, Enriched Conversations with Adaptive Learning

  • Fuel Fine-tuned Conversations through Synthetic Utterance Generation