GINIS is a Secure and open integration platform with guaranteed legislation.

This application is available in Czech language.

It is a comprehensive solution to the agendas of public administration organizations. The individual subsystems and layers of the GINIS platform are Economics, File Service, Human Resources and Payroll, Administrative Agendas, Registers.
Robust interface with dozens of web services allows a wide range of uses. GINIS also provides management tools and digital services for citizens and enables the publication of open data.
Acquisition is possible in the On premise and cloud version. The development of the platform reflects all related legislative requirements as well as current trends in the field of IT.

Principle of operation
The management of information flows in the organization is technically implemented using a central database with decentralized data acquisition in a multi-layer architecture. All agendas use a common layer of identification, ownership and circulation of documents. As an open platform, GINIS enables the integration of other third-party applications and systems thanks to the wide possibilities of its API interface. Proof of the high level of security of the system is its certification for compliance with the requirements of the Cyber ​​Security Act. The GINIS platform can be purchased in a standard way, ie by purchasing and maintaining licenses for the relevant modules, which are supplemented by a set of comprehensive optional but guaranteed services. Or it is possible to obtain licenses and their maintenance in the form of a service (SaaS). Both on the customer and on the provided platform (PaaS).

Easy integration
Thanks to GINIS, it is possible to securely connect the systems of several suppliers into one harmoniously cooperating unit. GINIS is compatible with management extensions to support strategic decision making, such as data warehouses and Business Intelligence tools. Selected GINIS components are also available via tablets or smartphones.

Cloud storage
With GINIS, you can also take advantage of Cloud Computing. Office staff will gain access to their agendas in a secure cloud storage architecture from anywhere with the Internet.

Web client
As of GINIS 2021, users can work with their modules via a web browser. So far, this is fully true for the GINIS File Service, but applications of other subsystems are also increasing at a rapid pace.