Geoteric Software


Geoteric Software


Geoteric empowers geoscientists to reveal stories from within their seismic data.

Depending on your requirements, you may wish to license some or all of the modules listed below. Contact us for further details and to receive a customized offer suitable for your needs. Note: Interpret is the Base License and is the minimum requirement for running Geoteric.


Our patented and uniquely powerful tools enable you to accurately interpret exactly what you see using a data-driven but interpreter guided approach. Being able to extract understanding from the data is the key to generating value. Geoteric is the only application to enable fuII horizon, fault and geobody interpretation directly on the structural and stratigraphic blends (RGB, CMY or HSV blends) that most effectively reveals the geology.


Produce industry leading data and image quality, sharper and clearer Images: Improve signal to noise ratio for optimal structural interpretation and attribute analysis. Interactive data conditioning tools offer preview-based noise attenuation and spectral shaping tools, enabling you to optimise your seismic data and gain a more detailed analysis and interpretation.


Reveal the geology in your data for a more insightful interpretation. Geoteric’s Reveal module comprises a comprehensive suite of attributes and volume mathematics tools to allow you to “see” and understand the geology before you interpret. Industry-leading techniques including high definition frequency decomposition combined with multi-attribute structural and stratigraphic analysis give a detailed geological understanding.


Using machine learning, identify different seismic classes and relate them to your geological classes. Directly transfer the learning and models to your favourite geocellular modelling package.


Does your subsurface geological model make geophysical sense? Rather than wait to see if your geological model fits the dynamic performance of the reservoir, test it against the geophysical data.

AI Faults - 2D Networks:

Brought together with Geoteric’s industry-leading workflow, AI Faults - 2D Networks has been designed in step with traditional interpretation techniques. Essentially moving the interpreter away from the monotonous and into control, interacting with the automated faults enables new ways of working both experts and students can check, manage and trust.

AI Faults - 3D Networks:

Understanding subsurface structure is critical in optimising asset plans, well safety and sustainability projects such as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). Geoteric AI is a trailblazer in the industry; pioneering these state-of the art tools to detect faults in seismic data that may even be invisible to the human eye, giving the interpreter more confidence to better understand compartmentalisation, trap and seal integrity, geohazards as well as increasing production rates.

AI Horizons:

Building on Geoteric’s cutting-edge AI Fault Interpretation that accurately detects faults invisible to the human eye, structurally-aware AI Horizons are here in the world’s first AI seismic interpretation software. Revolutionary for geoscientists, enabling fast, accurate interpretation of 100% of your data in a seismic volume, even in complex geology.