mental health virtual care solution

ForaHealthyMe Inc.

mental health virtual care solution

ForaHealthyMe Inc.

Virtual care for patients with mental health and cognitive impairment issues.

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted or halted critical mental health services in 93% of countries worldwide and the demand for mental health is increasing, states the WHO. 

ForaHealthyMe AI virtual care solutions help providers make intelligent data-driven decisions in Cognitive Behavioural Health Care.  

Customer Pain Point - Increasingly mental health issues, specifically symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety, have been shown to contribute to increased health service utilization and decreased quality of life. Often, services are not available locally. Clients and patients therefore need to travel great distances to access mental health services. 

Offer Description - Our mental health virtual clinic solutions offer an integrated approach to empower health providers with a combination of telehealth, education, assessment, disease management, and health informatics data for decision making. Patients benefit from access to a team of professionals from wherever they are. 

Type of User Benefits - Our applications are designed for use by a virtual care team to deliver ongoing support to patients who may not have access to care locally. 

The system is accessible from web, android or iOS devices. 

The platform includes: 

Provider/Patient Dashboards - My Calendar, Messages, Contacts, Virtual Calls
Tools for providers to view assessment results and patient health reports

Data/ Analytics
Educational Modules
Moderated discussion boards
Goal setting tools
Video chat applications for – One to one or one to many virtual consults. 

FHIR & EMR Integration enabled