NetReveal® Transaction Screening


NetReveal® Transaction Screening


Advanced sanctions screening in real-time

Financial institutions are under mounting pressure to effectively identify customers subject to sanctions or residing in sanctioned territories. Concurrently, regulatory bodies are intensifying their oversight, mandating the active monitoring and scrutiny of transactions linked to these designated individuals or entities.

NetReveal Transaction Screening identifies payments to and from high-risk individuals and entities with minimal false positive alerts. The solution simplifies regulatory reporting processes, and it can be deployed within a twelve-week timeframe.

NetReveal Transaction Screening enables investigators through:

  • Global risk detection: With global coverage and automated updates, NetReveal Transaction Screening detects sanctioned entities and tracks beneficial owners using intelligent matching and AI-driven analytics.
  • Optimize investigations with context aware network analysis: Maximize investigator effectiveness by automatically enriching and prioritizing high-risk alerts. Advanced post-processing looks beyond name matches and consolidates the context, history, and risk of transactions to enable faster decision-making and disposition.
  • Respond to regulatory changes in real-time: Comply with watchlist enforcement regulations, pinpointing sanctioned entities across internal, domestic, and international watchlists. Consistent and explainable regulatory compliance that seamlessly integrates new watchlists in as little as 15 minutes.
Additional features and capabilities:

  • Built in SensaAI for Sanctions: Included as standard in our Name Screening and Transaction Screening solutions, SensaAI combines predictive and generative AI to boost screening accuracy and reduce false positives by 80%.
  • Entity-focused investigations: Built in entity resolution improves investigator efficiency on average by 30-40% via a single centralized 360° view of alerts relating to a customer or entity.
  • Intelligent Event Triage: Driven by continuous learning AI, IET automatically scores and prioritizes L1 alerts, designed to maximise investigator time.
  • 70% reduction in false positives using our match exclusion technology.