CUBIKA Search - Intelligent Enterprise Search

Digital Dialogue

CUBIKA Search - Intelligent Enterprise Search

Digital Dialogue

A search that brings it all together with AI & NLP-enhanced enterprise search engine.

Today’s challenge for every enterprise is how to put a structure to unstructured data which is more than 80% of enterprise data, documents, index, and make them searchable within the enterprise at the fingertips of employees.

The main business imperatives which every enterprise must address are

1. Greater demand for better and fulfilling internal search experience from employees, a Google-like search experience that drives insights and decision making

2. Concrete data structuring, weaving unstructured data and structured data from multiple locations and systems into one unified data structure with intelligent index and crawler

CUBIKA Search offers the essential AI-powered search capability that any enterprise can leverage to create a competitive advantage and improve business outcomes.

By using CUBIKA Search, it empowers the enterprise in:

1. Integrating and indexing both unstructured and structured, making them searchable within the enterprise.

2. Building AI-powered, NLP-infused cognitive search engine - A search engine that understands user intention and returns results that suit it. Along with intelligent query prediction which helps the user in getting what they need faster.

3. Creating a modernized way of working where employees are empowered with data where they can perform a search for important information and documents across the enterprise data, simply at their fingertips.

4. One-stop shop for information – An intranet search portal for employees to locate information, policies, procedures they need for making an informed decision.

Key features

  • Google-like search experience – search bar with auto-completion, auto-correction, instant search, powered by NLP and scalable machine learning.
  • Smart-structured data index - Support various file types in both structured and unstructured formats.
  • Getting the search result that goes beyond query but contextually matches with intentions behind the keyword as well with semantic search capability.
  • Seamless integration with Microsoft products: SharePoint, Outlook 365, Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, Microsoft Office.
  • Role-based access - users can only find and access content according to their user role and rights within the organization.
  • Thai natural language processing (NLP) engine that provides the high accuracy search result for Thai language queries.

Start building your internal search engine where insights and opportunities are waiting to be discovered today!