Veriphy AML Onboarding and Compliance Checks

Davies Group

Veriphy AML Onboarding and Compliance Checks

Davies Group

Solution for UK regulated entities to run AML (anti money laundering) compliance checks

Veriphy is designed primarily for regulated and parallel entities within legal, accountancy, financial, banking, property, conveyancing, insurance and other regulated sectors who need to:

  • orchestrate and optimise compliance and onboarding processes
  • boost customer experience
  • accelerate revenue
  • avoid regulatory penalty
  • minimize risk and exposure to fraud

Its online AML checks align with UK AML and POCA regulations and JMLSG guidelines whilst providing flexible and user-friendly customer experience.
Veriphy's ISO27001-certified Azure-hosted secure verification platform offers a unique combination of checks from multiple digital sources via a web UI or a single highly-malleable API hub.

Top AML check features include:

  • Electoral register full and edited, current and historic
  • Credit file address-match granular detailing
  • PEP register
  • Global sanctions checks on people, entities, vessels and aircraft
  • Status change monitoring covering PEP and Sanctions
  • Biometric and document scan checks with liveness detection
  • Experian Fraud Score – offering consortium-level assurance without the associated complexities
  • Anti-fraud validation of mobile devices and email addresses
  • Adverse media screening
  • Adverse credit data screening to detect beneficiary bankruptcies
  • Bank account verifications – confirm linkage between account, name and address
  • Online AML training modules
  • Flexibility in proposition, channel, and commercials
  • Access is via UI, secure batch, or check compilation using granular data drawn from our API

Veriphy has been serving the regulated sector since 2007.

Click Get It Now and get the benefits of our AML checks.