Sapphire CAA10 Automation Appliance

Cygna Labs Corp.

Sapphire CAA10 Automation Appliance

Cygna Labs Corp.

Integrate DDI into your IT/cloud workflows with our drag-and-drop graphical web interface

The Cygna Labs Diamond IP Sapphire CAA10 Cloud Automation Appliance enables simple, scalable cloud DDI automation. Use canned workflows or create your own to integrate your VNF/VM orchestration workflows to incorporate IP address and DNS name assignment for public or private cloud instantiations and other IT operations. Reconcile IP address assignments within your cloud against your Cygna Labs Diamond IP IPControl IPAM repository to assure accuracy or to spawn further investigations. Use our diverse set of pre-canned flows and/or define your own using our NodeRed graphical drag-and-drop web interface.