Cookiebot by Usercentrics


Cookiebot by Usercentrics


Consent Management Platform (CMP) for GDPR, Consent Mode and ePR compliant online tracking

Manage cookies and trackers on your website to achieve data privacy compliance with the GDPR, ePrivacy Directive, CCPA, and more.

Cookiebot Consent Management Platform (CMP) by Usercentrics is built with powerful patented scanning technology. This advanced technology automatically identifies and controls all cookies and trackers on your website, enabling website owners to achieve compliance with the GDPR, DMA, CCPA, LGPD, and other privacy regulations. It also helps build trust with website visitors by giving them more control over their personal data.

Cookiebot CMP integrates effortlessly with your existing infrastructure, allowing you to manage cookies and trackers in compliance with major privacy regulations. Designed for both technical and non-technical teams, Cookiebot CMP simplifies automated and scalable compliance processes, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in your website's compliance.

Cookiebot by Usercentrics is part of the Usercentrics’ suite of CMP solutions. Trusted by over 2 million websites and apps, Usercentrics facilitates over 6.3 billion user consents monthly.

Key Features

  • Highly customizable
    Customize your consent banner to match your site design and optimize user experience. Enable visitors to opt in or out of individual cookie categories.

  • Automated cookie scan
    Employ regular automated scanning to detect and update cookies and tracking technologies in use on your website to keep notifications and compliance up to date.

  • Automated cookie policy
    Create your cookie policy effortlessly. Publish our automatically updated cookie declaration on your privacy page. Your cookie policy will remain detailed and accurate at all times. Visitors stay informed about your cookie use as required by data privacy laws, and can make better data privacy choices.

  • Automatic cookie blocking
    Automatically block cookies and trackers until user consent is obtained.

  • Easy integration with CMS platforms
    The Cookiebot CMP can be integrated seamlessly with all popular CMS platforms, such as Shopify, Drupal, Adobe Experience Manager and more.

  • Consent widget
    Enable visitors to update their consent with our user-friendly widget.

  • Secure data storage
    Securely store user consent data in our cloud-based environment, with EU-based servers.

  • Data download option
    Comply with data subject requests (DSRs) by providing an option to download user consent information as needed.

  • Supports 47+ languages
    Display the cookie banner and cookie policy in localized languages to users from all over the world for clarity and a better user experience.

Compliance with regulations and frameworks

Cookiebot CMP enables you to comply with the following regulations and frameworks:



ePrivacy Directive (EU)

LGPD (Brazil)

POPIA (South Africa)

CCPA and CPRA (California)

VCDPA (Virginia)

TCF v2.2 (EU)

Find out for free:

Cookiebot by Usercentrics

Learn More:

Cookiebot™ Consent Solution

What is GDPR?

How to set up Cookiebot CMP
Cookiebot CMP implementation guides