Capture-the-Flag – Offensive Training


Capture-the-Flag – Offensive Training


Providing trainees with an enhanced understanding of how to research, analyze, and find access point

Studies show that interactive methods of teaching are more effective than traditional classroom teaching, and when it’s fun as well as immersive, it’s even better! CybergymIEC’s Capture the Flag (CTF) training challenges trainees to solve a variety of tasks, using different tools and methods, as they seek out and collect ‘flags’ secretly hidden in the system. Focused on the cyber offensive and attack point of view, different levels within each challenge keep participants on their toes.

The one-day training is aimed at IT cyber security staff, penetration testers, Tier 1-3 SOC personnel and developers. Participants should have basic knowledge of cyber security, networks, offensive cyber and attacks, and penetration testing. They will come out with an enhanced understanding of how to research, analyze, and find access points throughout your networks.