Comforte Data Security Platform

comforte AG

Comforte Data Security Platform

comforte AG

Data-centric security for enterprise-grade data discovery and protection

Comforte Data Security Platform offers robust data-centric security solutions tailored for enterprise-level data discovery and protection needs. Our platform empowers organizations to comply with stringent data protection regulations, mitigate the risks of data breaches, and harness the potential of their data assets securely for business applications and analytics.

With over 25 years of experience as a leader in data-centric security, comforte safeguards 60% of global credit card transactions and secures data for more than 500 strategic clients, including Visa, MasterCard, and Macy’s. Our solution boasts seamless deployment across diverse environments, making it particularly suitable for modern multi-cloud and hybrid-cloud setups characterized by complex customer data flows where data security and privacy are mission-critical.

Comforte Platform Overview:

  • Data Discovery & Data Classification: Attain comprehensive visibility into data across your network.
  • Data Protection: Ensure data security at-rest, in-motion, and in-use while preserving usability for processing and analytics.
  • Security for AI & Data Analytics: Facilitate secure and compliant data analytics within modern data ecosystems.

Key Capabilities:

  • Advanced encryption and tokenization techniques.
  • Fully customizable security policies.
  • Flexible, scalable, and resilient architecture.
  • Granular access control and seamless integration with IAM infrastructure for auditing.
  • Support for modern CI/CD DevOps methodologies.
  • Flexible integration options.