Quasar GenAI - Investment Management

Coforge Limited

Quasar GenAI - Investment Management

Coforge Limited

Huge Data Publicly Available need to be Analyzed by investment management companies & department.

Investment companies are increasingly leveraging alternate data to complement traditional financial data and improve their investment strategies.

Alternate data refers to any information that is not typically found in financial statements or traditional market data sources. It includes a wide range of data types, such as social media posts, satellite imagery, credit card transactions, web scraping data, sensor data, online search trends, weather data, and more. The availability and accessibility of these diverse data sources have expanded significantly in recent years, thanks to advancements in technology and data collection methods.

Investment companies are incorporating alternate data analysis into their investment processes for several reasons:

Uncovering hidden insights: Alternate data analysis provides access to unique and previously untapped information. By analyzing social media sentiment, for example, investment firms can gain insights into public perception and sentiment about specific brands or products. This can help identify potential investment opportunities or detect early warning signs of trouble for a company.

Quantifying qualitative factors: Traditional financial data often focuses on quantitative measures, such as revenue, earnings, and ratios. However, qualitative factors can play a crucial role in investment decisions. Alternate data analysis allows investment companies to quantify qualitative factors, such as customer sentiment, product reviews, or management reputation, providing a more comprehensive view of investment opportunities.

Identifying emerging trends: Alternate data sources can help identify emerging trends and industry shifts before they become apparent through traditional financial data. By monitoring online search trends, for instance, investment companies can spot rising interest in specific products or technologies, enabling them to make informed investment decisions ahead of the curve.

Enhancing predictive models: Investment firms employ various quantitative models and algorithms to predict future market movements and make investment decisions. By incorporating alternate data into these models, companies can improve their predictive accuracy and generate better investment outcomes.

Coforge’s GenAI solution uses Azure OpenAI models to analyze alternate data to better understand a company’s health. Some of the features of the solution are:

· Extracting financial sentiments from the data

· Extracting important highlights from the data

· Extracting keywords based on its impact and importance

· Abstractive summary is generated to quickly understand the overall health of any company.

Intuitive UI helps in playing with the data and better understanding of insights.

Key Benefits:

Investment management using generative AI (Artificial Intelligence) offers several key benefits that can enhance the investment process. Here are some of the primary advantages:

Enhanced Investment Decision-Making

Improved Risk Management

Real-time Market Monitoring

Behavioral Insights

Automation and Efficiency

In conclusion, alternate data analysis is revolutionizing the way investment companies make decisions. By harnessing diverse data sources, investment firms can gain unique insights, improve predictive models, and identify investment opportunities that may go unnoticed with traditional financial data alone. However, effective implementation requires careful consideration of data quality, compliance, and the development of appropriate analytical capabilities.

However, human expertise and critical thinking remain essential in the investment management process.