
CMV Informatics


CMV Informatics

Posipricing is a retail intelligent competitor price monitoring solution

Monitor your competitors and analyze their price positioning. Whether you are retailer or e-tailer, Posipricing helps you to save time and drive profitable growth. You can analyze the pricing and special offers strategies of your competitors and adapt yours.
- Gain market shares: thanks to Posipricing you increase sales, profitability and gain market shares.
- Valorize your price image: consumers are price sensitive. That is why retailers, e-tailers and market places must be aware of their competitors pricing strategy to valorize the price image of their chain.
- Increase productivity: monitor prices of your competitors with Posipricing it is like save hours of work. Team members can concentrate on value added tasks.
- Grow your margins: because you know the pricing strategy of your competitors you are more competitive on the market. You can take operational decisions to increase your profitability.
- Increase the impact of your special offer that are more attractive thanks to Posipricing.
- Negociate with your suppliers: you know the assortment of your competitors and Posipricing facilitates the negotiations with your suppliers.