PostgreSQL With CentOS 8.2

Cloud Maven Solutions

PostgreSQL With CentOS 8.2

Cloud Maven Solutions

PostgreSQL With CentOS 8.2

PostgreSQL is the most popular Open Source Relational SQL database management system. PostgreSQL is one of the best RDBMS being used for developing web-based software applications.

In order to use Postgres, log into postgres account.

You can do that by typing: sudo -i -u postgres

You will be asked for your normal user password and then will be given a shell prompt for the postgres user.

You can get a Postgres prompt immediately by typing: psql

Default ports:

  • Linux Machines: SSH Port: 22
  • TCP:5432
  • Note :The TCP port the server listens on 5432 by default. It is not opened on Public interface

    For Stack specific support : Contact Stack Developer Team(Since we do not own the IP for the stack,Stack developers should be contacted for any support)

    For more information on the CloudMavenSolutions PostgreSQL With CentOS visit our website.

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